Wednesday, 30 January 2013

20 Signs you should leave your boyfriend

1. He no longer considers your feelings. 
If you break your leg and your man doesn’t even visit you in the emergency room, that’s a problem. It shouldn’t have to come to that extreme: little signs that indicate a lack of empathy should be enough for you to know that your relationship has run its course.

2. He is no longer a Mr. Nice Guy
Nice guys should always finish first! Don’t keep a boyfriend who disrespects teachers, acts nasty to parents, calls you names or disses your friends. Trade that meanie for a nice guy and you’ll end up in a much happier relationship.

3. He’s become the invisible man
When you’re with someone, they should be there. If you are in a long distance relationship, that’s one thing. If your man lives across town but you hardly ever see him…that’s a sure clue that he’s just not into you anymore.

4. He packs on the pressure.   
Your boyfriend should never pressure you into doing anything you don’t want to do, and you should never do anything that makes you uncomfortable. If your boyfriend really cares about you, he’ll respect your decision even if that decision is no.

5. He becomes “Mr. X”
You used to know your man inside and out but now you don’t know what’s going on in his life. For all you know he’s changed jobs, his name, his hair-colour, his sexual orientation. You can’t be in a relationship if you don’t even know the person you’re in a relationship with.

6. Too much fighting, not enough fun
Relationships should make you happy, not get you down all the time. If there’s no fun left and all you do is fight, it’s time to either fix the problem or walk away.
7. You can’t stand the very sight of him
You used to love his face. The cute way he smiled at you. Now…whenever you see him you want to throw up. Before, he said the cutest things. Now, if he speaks you want to slap him. Again, this may be extreme but if you don’t have an attraction to your man anymore, that’s a BIG problem.
8. He hasn't got the time.  
Does he blow off your date nights to hang with his friends, ignore your calls or give you the cold shoulder? If he doesn’t make an effort to set time aside for you, then why are you putting so much effort towards spending time with him?

9. You keep secrets
One of the best things about being in a relationship is that you have someone you can confide in. A confidant is someone you can trust. If you can share with your man, it’s because you can’t trust him.

10. He doesn't support your goals or have any of his own 
When you tell him about your goal of singing the national anthem at a football game, becoming a veterinarian or getting straight A’s, your boyfriend shouldn’t rolls his eyes and laugh in your face. Your guy should never put you down or make you feel like you can’t make your dreams come true, no matter what they are. You should both have your own goals and should want to succeed together.   

11. He Doesn’t Tell You About Important Things
This one ties into number five. You may still tell your man things but he doesn’t tell you things. Very important things like he’s seeing someone else.

12. He doesn't support your goals or have any of his own
When you tell him about your goal of singing the national anthem at a football game, becoming a veterinarian or getting straight A's, your boyfriend should not rolls his eyes and laugh in your face. Your guy should never put you down or make you feel like you can't make your dreams come true, no matter what they are. You should both have your own goals and should want to succeed together.

13. You feel trapped
You feel crushed by the love you feel for your boyfriend. The weight of it is immense. No situation is unchangeable. You can free yourself. You just need the strength of your convictions.

14. He gets controlling
Your boyfriend shouldn’t be telling you what you can and can’t wear, where you can and can’t go or who you can and can’t hang out with. Time to say sayanora forever to that control freak. You are your own person and can make your own decision; you don’t need a boy telling you what to do.
15. You’re very unhappy
You can’t expect that every day in a relationship is going to be sunshine and lollipops. However, if everyday feels like slow torture and you just want to curl up into a ball and cry…that’s not a good thing. You could be depressed but if you feel this way because of the one your with…you don’t need a therapist to tell you that breaking up may make you loads happier.

16. He always makes you pay
We’re not saying a guy should pay for you every time you go out; going halfsies is great and it’s even okay if you volunteer to pay for him every now and then. But if he always makes you pick up the lunch tab, buy his coffee or grab his movie ticket, that’s not okay.
17. His little bad habits make your blood boil
If your man does little things that make you want to go nuclear all the time, he should leave your crazy behind alone !

18. Drama with your family and bestie
A guy should always try to get along with the people who are important to you. If he doesn't care about being nice to your parents or if he avoids being around your friends, then you have a problem.
You are family and friends care about you, if they dont like your new beau, hear them out ! They Probably have a good reason.

19. He flirts.... with other girls !
Your boyfriend should be flirting with you, not your whole class. Being friendly is okay, but if it goes beyond that, your sweetheart needs to get his flirting under control or it is time to move on. One more thing, if your boyfriend cheats, kick him to the curb, pronto!

20. He can't control his temper
It is okay to get angry, it is not okay to yell and curse at someone. And it is really not okay to throw things or get violent, ever. If your boyfriend can't handle his anger in an appropriate way, he is not the right guy for you.

Managing Polygamous husband

Sharing time

Whether spending less time with your husband is a good thing or a bad thing depends on your outlook. Of course it’s natural to want to spend plenty of time with people you love, but we also need time for ourselves. On the days when he’s with his other wife, there is no benefit in sitting around missing him. On your nights with him, you have a husband to share your bed with; on the other nights you get the whole bed to yourself and can snuggle up with a good book and have some “me time”.

Sharing love

One of the biggest fears women have of polygamy comes from a misunderstanding about the nature of love. Love is seen as something finite which has to be shared between people, so if a man takes a second wife, it’s assumed that he must love his first wife less because of it. The truth is that love is infinite and does not need to be shared between people. Good Muslim men who choose polygamy do so because they truly want to love and protect two or more women.

Co-wife rivalry

Try not to see your co-wife as a rival. Instead, try to focus on strengthening your relationship with your husband. If you don’t feel secure in your relationship, then it’s only natural that you’d see the other wife as a threat. If your husband is going to love you and stand by you no matter what, then what can she take from you?

The insecurity of the first wife is that the second wife is her replacement and he doesn’t love her any more. The insecurity of the second wife is that the first wife is his first love and he’ll never love her as much as he loves his first.  This reminds us that the other wife has her own doubts, and to see clearly what we have instead.

No love triangles in Islam

Islamic polygamy is not a triangular relationship; his marriage with you and his marriage with your co-wife are two separate relationships. When you’re with him, the two of you need to act like the other wife doesn’t exist. Enjoy your time with your husband and do all the same things a monogamous couple would do together. If you are friends with your co-wife, don’t discuss your husband when you’re together, and spend time with her when he’s not around.

Handle  jealousy

When you feel jealous about anything, ask yourself if it’s over something that you really want, or whether you desire it simply because your co-wife has it. If it’s the latter, then try to forget about it and remind yourself that you don’t actually want it. If it’s something you really want, then focus on how you can get it for yourself because you would like it, not because she has it.

If it’s the relationship you’re jealous of, concentrate on building your own relationship with your husband as though she’s not in the picture. If you feel that he loves her more than you, then maybe he isn’t giving you enough attention or affection, and frame this as a problem in your own relationship that you need to talk to him about and resolve, rather than as a problem with your co-wife.

When things go wrong

If your husband is not dividing up his time fairly, or not fulfilling your rights in Islam then he is the guilty party so don’t blame your co-wife for this. This applies whether it’s something minor or very serious. Speak to him about the problem and tell him how you feel. If he’s a good husband, he’ll do something to rectify the situation. If he doesn’t and you’re having significant problems in your marriage because of it, then you need to go about dealing with it in the same way you would if you were monogamously married.

Marriages fail either because one partner is not fulfilling the rights of the other (or worse, abusing the other), or because the two partners are not compatible. This is the same in monogamy and polygamy. Relationships fail sometimes in spite of one or both partners putting in their best efforts, and that’s why divorce is halal.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Love at First Sight

Have you ever seen someone and instantly felt attracted to every part of them, including their personality? You might be quick to call it love at first sight, but it is probably what psychologists call the attractiveness halo effect. When you see someone who looks great, your brain sometimes jumps to the conclusion that their personality must be great.

You might meet couples who say that when they saw each other for the first time, they "just knew." What did they really know? Probably that they liked how the other person looked and acted, and that they wanted to take things to the next step and get to know each othe.

But keep in mind that there are lots of other couples who get the same feeling when they meet each other, and it ends badly or doesn't go anywhere at all. It's not the first glance that makes it love. It's the stuff that comes later - the commitment and caring that makes a relationship last.

Now the question that may have popped into your mind is “Why do I sometimes find someone who is absolutely fantastic, has many good traits but i still never love him at the first sight?”
The answer is simple: either because he didn’t match your criteria at all or because you are looking for traits that can’t be noticed at the first meeting. That’s why people who care much about physical appearance are more likely to experience love at first sight than others.

But it's wrong to think that if you don't have intense feelings right away, it could never be love. Some of the best and strongest relationships started out in totally unromantic ways.

More importantly, though, the halo effect can be dangerous. If you see someone hot and assume that what you feel is love, you'll overlook qualities in them that could end up hurting you. You might let them get away with abusive behaviour because your heart has taken over your better judgment.

And when you meet someone you instantly swoon over, be aware that there's a whole lot about them you have not  seen yet - including some stuff that might not be so deserving of your love.

Whether or not you want to believe in love at first sight is up to you. Just don't go out there expecting to find it and get upset when you don't. 

Saturday, 19 January 2013

How to Attract Women

1. Groom Yourself
Most guys shy away from grooming products, but start using these products a few times and you’ll realize how much it can better your appearance. 

 If you have got hair anywhere you don’t like, there’s a pretty big chance women would hate it more than you, whether it’s hair in your pits, nostril or ear lobe, trim them all and admire your sexy and clean reflection. You’re on your way to become an attractive good looker in no time.
2. Gym 
If you want to date a gorgeous woman with never ending legs or curves like a race track, you’ve got to have a good physique too.
Now and then, we do come across ridiculously good looking women who date unfortunately bad looking men for their so called personality, but it doesn’t always work this way. Many men with a beer belly try to woo a lingerie model and get burnt along the way. 
But a word of caution, many men think looking like a miniature Hulk is impressive, but almost every woman hates that. 
3. Dressing 
Dressing with a bit of  fashion sense and common sense. If you’re not too sure of your own dress up skills, ask a girl friend with good taste in clothes to help you with your shopping.
Try to be aware of what’s in style and what isn't , and buy something only if you feel comfortable and confident in it. At the end of the day, well fitting new clothes make us happy. And don’t just stop with the shirt and the pants, learn to accessorise.
4. Good posture
A good posture and a bad one can make all the difference between a confident and charming guy and a lonely slob who’s a bore. Learn to stand upright, but without making it look weirdly obvious. Look at a few role models that you admire and see how they stand. 
Stand in front of the mirror, look at yourself and try to replicate their posture. Spending a few minutes to groom yourself every day in front of the mirror doesn’t really shrink your manhood, contrary to what many lonely men believe, it can actually change your life for the better and make you a lot more attractive to women.
5. Intelligent
Women are always drawn to charming men who are intelligent and witty. There’s really no easy way to get wittier, but you’ll have to understand this secret behind how to attract women. Intelligent men who are witty and humorous almost always have an upper hand in impressing and attracting women because they make the women around them have a nice time.
6. Confident
You may know how to talk and behave, but if you’re not confident with yourself and happy being who you are, you’re always going to have a hard time attracting women. 
If you want women to be attracted to you without even trying, you have to ooze with confidence all the time.

7. Good manners
If you are rude , ignorant and do not know how to behave in public, you would be considered as a simple embarrassment. Women would not want to be associated with you and in most cases would avoid you like the plague.

8.  Tell interesting stories 
Woman respond very well to conversation. They love to hear funny anecdotes or cool short stories.  Avoid long monologues or giving too many details when telling stories. This is not considered as interesting conversation but as boring and agonising listening session.  

9. First Impression
First impression is everything. Beliveve it or not, your success on attracting women depends on the impression they get at first sight. You do not have to be handsome to attract women unless the occasion is a beauty contest.

In fact , average looking guys record more success with women. Just carry yourself gently, look good , smell good and keep those pearly whites flashed when you see them.

10. Be a little mysterious
If she asks you questions, dont give her elaborate, detailed answers. Instead, provide her with clues about who you are and let her figure out the rest. This will intrigue her an prompt her to learn more about you.

11. Role Play
Indulge her appetite for fantasy by making her your personal assitant and giving her a playful order. Or pretend that you are a loving couple and then breka up with her when she says something that you dont like . Tease her and tell her that if she maeks up for it, you might take her back .

12.  Don't be needy 
Do not shower her with compliments. A single choice of compliment to start the conversation is all the woman needs to let her know that you are into her. Actually, because women are smart, they usually know if you are into them even without a compliment. So keep those compliments with you and focus on impressing her with your smarts , humour and wits.

13. Initiate in talking 
This depends on the woman and the situation, but you want to avoid doing what most guys do which is to put the conversation burden on her with redundant questions and digger for same interests. 

Your aim is to demonstrate your fantastic personality and high value. Try to keep the conversation light, fun and playful. There are plenty of conversations you could use. 

Sunday, 6 January 2013

How to Attracts Men

1. Smile 
  If you smile a lot, men think you are friendly, approachable and happy. Nobody wants to hang around with a miserable person but everyone likes to be with a happy one. Being a woman who smiles a lot also attracts men because you also look self confident. So, the next time you're trying to attract Mr. Right - smile! Even if it's not love at first sight in his eyes, he's a lot more likely to come and talk to you if you're smiling.


 If you're self-confident, it's much easier to attract a guy. A self-confident woman looks like she's in control, she's not easily controlled and she's happy with her life. Even if you're not self-confident, fake it. Self-confidence is one of the biggest tools you can use to attract a man.

3. Funny Women 

 Most men like women who can make them laugh and also women who laugh at their jokes. If you can make a guy laugh, you look like you'll be fun to be with and his interest in you has already gone up a notch.

4. Challenge 

What being a challenge means is not pursuing him but just getting on with your life and letting him do the work. Remember, in a relationship with any man, the less work you do, the more he will do. Every single man has agreed with this, even if they hate to admit it.

5. Thin

 When it comes to body type, most men like thin women and they look at the size of a woman's body often long before they're noticing a woman's face. If you're having problems getting dates and you think your size might be a factor, go on a diet and exercise program. Not only might it attract a few more guys, but it will leave you feeling happier and healthier too.

6. Cool Girl

 A cool girl is one who is laidback, fun to be with, doesn't cause a lot of drama, likes hanging out with guys, and doesn't put too much pressure on them. A cool girl doesn't complain too much or act like she has too many problems. A 'cool girl' is basically a girl who's like one of their buddies, but who's cute and sexy too.

7. Mysterious 

 A mysterious woman is more interesting to most men as it gives them something to figure out. If it's all laid out on the table, it becomes boring quickly and that's when a guy is usually off looking for someone else. Be a bit more mysterious with the guy you like and you may be surprised at how more appealing you seem to him.

8. Body Language 

 Use subtle but flirty body language. Gestures can reveal a lot to a man about your attentions and attractiveness toward him, and ultimately grab his attention. Just be classy about it , and avoid oer doing it. 

9. Praise 

Give praise when it suits the situation. All men loved to be praised for what they do or accomplish. Again, just do not over do it and come off as fake. Be sincere about it. 

10. Find Similar Interest

Work on our similar interest. You have a better shot a getting someone to like you, especially men, if you have a similar interest in something. This can be a very effective way at getting a man's attention and keeping it. 

11. Dont be too easy 

Tease, flirt, but dont give up the goods too easy. Make him work for you a little. You will make him even want you more by doing so. Just remember to not over do it. A little pinky dangling is fine but too much and he might end up running away. 

12. Attitude 

Don't talk about all your enemies, problems, or misfortunes. Being a loud and crazy cougar may make your female friends think your tough, but a lot of men will be turned off by your aggressive attitude and want little to do with you. 

13. Perfume 
Men can associate female fragrances with sex, and like feminine smells very much. Just don't over do it. Too much perfume and you will come off as a ' too easy ' type, or cheap. With a hint of perfume on your neck and in our hair, you can have him thinking erotic thoughts about you all night long. 

14. Attention 

Act interested in what he has to say, even if you are not. You don't have to go all the way with this one and over do it, just act at least a little interested and will express to him that you like him, and help break a bit more of the ice. 

15. Being yourself 
Men will think of you as different if you be yourself and men like women who are different. If you are established a good first impression by doing all the above, then doing so will make him feel like you are worth pursuing.