Sunday, 24 March 2013

How to stop fighting ?

Fighting = Bad Communication
No matter what you’re fighting about: money, sex, kids or something else, the fighting is an indication that your communication isn’t working. If this happens only occasionally, such as when one or both of you are tired or stressed; it’s not too big a problem.

However, if you argue or bicker on a daily or weekly basis, or you keep fighting about the same thing over and over, then your communication is not functioning as it should, and you don’t know how to move from a problem to the solution. When this happens, problems are recurrent, endless, and they can be exaggerated into relationship disasters.
Use these guidelines to make your discussions more productive:

Guidelines for Not Fighting
1. Don’t participate: Disagreements always require two people. If you don't participate, your partner can't argue without you. If the issue arises at an inopportune time, you can just find a temporary resolution (temporarily give in, go home, leave the restaurant) and wait until things calm down to discuss what happened (the squabble may just have been a case of too much alcohol, or being tired and irritable.) Then talk about what you can do instead if it ever happens again.

2. Discuss Recurring Problems: To resolve recurring problems, discuss related decisions with your spouse and find out what each of you does and does not want before making important decisions. You have a lot of options; so don't let confusion add to the stress.

3. Seek to Understand: Make sure you and your partner understand each other’s point of view before beginning to solve the problem. You should be able to put your mate’s position in your own words, and vice versa. This does not mean that you agree with each other, just that you understand each other.

4. Solve it for the Two of You: Come up with a solution that works for just the two of you, ignoring anyone else’s needs. It’s much easier to solve a problem for the two of you than for others, such as children, co-workers, friends and family.. After you are clear with each other, discuss the issues with others who may be involved.

5. Talk to Others: After you’ve solved it for the two of you, if extended family members or friends might have problems with your decision, talk about what objections they might have, so you can diffuse them beforehand. Discuss possible ways to handle their objections.
Squabbles often occur because you’re following automatic habit patterns that lead to a problem before you know it. Using these guidelines will help you overcome negative habit patterns you may have built that lead to arguments or bickering.

Myths and Expectations about Fighting

There are many myths and expectations about fighting in marriage. Couples come into my office frequently believing that fighting is a necessary part of being a couple; that all married couples fight; and it’s a normal part of marriage. But the fact is that fighting accomplishes nothing, and it isn’t necessary for couples to argue, to yell, or to have heated discussions to get problems solved. Hanging on to these ideas makes it difficult to let go of fighting.
Some of the most prevalent myths about fighting are:

Myth 1: Fighting clears the air, and brings out the truth. Fighting is not necessary to “clear the air.” Getting heated up does not make you tell truths you wouldn’t tell otherwise. What happens when couples fight and get emotional is that both parties say things they don’t mean, or say them in much nastier ways than is really true. It is possible to discuss anything that is or is not happening between you in a calm and logical manner that will lead to more truth telling and air clearing than fighting and arguing will ever accomplish.

Myth 2: Within your family, it’s OK to “let it all hang out” – to be as emotional as you want, and say things you’d never say to a friend or a boss. Whether you’re fighting or not, (or drunk, or upset) you’re still responsible for everything you say and do. The hurtful or mean or outrageous things you say will be remembered by your spouse or the other family members who hear them.

Myth 3: Fighting just happens, you can’t control it.You always have a choice about your behavior and how you express yourself. If you’ve developed a fighting habit, or never learned to control your temper, you may need to do some work, but you can learn to behave differently.

Myth 4: My wife (or husband) makes me do it. He (she) yells first. No one else is responsible for your behavior. You are not responsible for anyone else’s words or actions. You can always choose not to yell back, to speak calmly, or to leave the room. Your partner cannot fight alone.

Myth 5: Any time we get angry, it’s natural to argue and yell.Arguing, and shouting is not the only way to express your anger. It’s just the most dramatic way. As a matter of fact, it’s the least effective way to reach a solution for whatever is making you angry.

Myth 6: It’s a family trait – everyone in my family argues. Fighting, temper tantrums and arguing may be common in your original family, but it’s not genetic, inherited, or inevitable. It’s still learned behavior, and it’s a dysfunctional family trait. It’s a habit, and you can overcome it for the benefit of your spouse and children.

Myth 7: It’s OK to yell, shout , curse , throw things and hit walls as long as I don’t hit a person. These raging behaviors are classified as emotional abuse, which is just as damaging to families as physical abuse. Evidence of emotional abuse is enough to have your children detained by Child Protective Services in many states, and can even cause a raging spouse to be hauled off in handcuffs, if a problem is reported and the police arrive to witness the behavior. I tell clients who are behaving this way to separate until they get their anger under control, which requires anger management classes or therapy. If this is happening in your house, it must be stopped now – get counseling right away.

Are you in a love hate relationship ?

I’ve been thinking about what a love hate relationship is. The operative word to me is “love”. If one is calling it “love hate”, it must mean there is first love. So where does that take you? Well, if this love hate relationship is someone with who you are having romantic relationship or marriage with, you’ll want to be investigating, understanding and dealing with where the hate is coming from. Here are some questions to ask yourself:
1) Am I carrying resentment because of behavior in the relationship that has gone unaddressed?
2) Do I feel I hate the person I also love because we have issues and they aren’t being dealt with?
3) Is this relationship about failed expectations?
4) Am I always in a love hate relationship? (Is it because I like the drama?)
5) Is this relationship very similar to my parents relationship or my relationship to either of my parents?
There are serious issues underlying the questions above. The first three questions have to do with communication in the relationship. If one is to have a healthy long term relationship that succeeds, communication needs to happen. Yelling is not the kind of communication I mean. I am talking about expressing appropriately the feelings and emotions that occur when one is in close connection with another person. Feelings get hurt. Mistakes happen. Misunderstanding happens. Bad days happen.
Big and small events happen. Other people and situations impact what is happening between the two of you. If children are involved, everything is multiplied. And all problems have a solution but if the reason you call it a love hate relationship in the first place is because communication is poor, it is likely it will eventually end up becoming a totally hate relationship and end.
If your answer to question 4 is yes, I’m betting the answer to number 5 is yes also. If this is the case, it might not be enough to just express emotions appropriately within the relationship, it might mean you will have to deal with your relationships with your parents before you can turn your love hate relationship into one you’d call a love relationship, there’s a lot of healing work that needs to be done. With large and unresolved issues from the past, it is most likely that every relationship you ever have will continue to create problems until you realize that you are worthy of a love relationship and do not need to settle for love hate.

Time management in a relationship

Rank your priorities
Though children and finances should always be top priorities, other priorities are difficult to rank. If enough money is being brought into the household, should the father really take that promotion that will take him far away from the home?

Should your friend, who is in the middle of a breakup, take priority over your other friends? What if all of your friends are going through breakups?

Other Obligations
How many relationships do you have? Do you have a spouse? Do you have children? Do you have parents? Relatives? Friends? Acquaintances? A best friend? Clients? Let's say you only have friends? Let's say you have dozens of friends who are always calling and wanting to hang out? What do you do ?

Reciprocity in relationships
Any time you give to one relationship is time taken away from another relationship. Barring your relationship with your children, every relationship should have some type of mutual benefit. If your friend with your children, every relationship should have some type of mutual benefit. If your friend is not willing to give the same attention and empathy as you to the relationship, this friend does not deserve as much of your time as a friend who shows a willingness to listen to you and understand the real you. Of course, if you expect this out of a relationship, you should also give the same back

Be open about your feelings and your business
If you feel bogged down, let it be known. At the very least, you will see which of your friends are takers.
For many of your less self-centered friends, you will do them a favour by clarifying that you are not avoiding them but simply really short on time. Unless blinded by ego, good friend should understand that you cannot only be so many places at once.

Learn to say no
This is the most difficult step to follow for most people. None of us like to see the look of disappointment that stretches across a friend's face. Even at a young age, we have always had a desire to please others. For this reason, we must practice saying it all the more. The 'No' word is a tricky one. Say it too much and you come across as incompetent and selfish. When saying the no word, remember that you are not saying no to the relationship or the other partner's happiness. You are saying no to stress and exhaustion. You are saying yes to happiness and free time.

Friday, 22 March 2013

Signs of true love with great romance

1 Give and take in love.
You give to the relationship wholeheartedly, without any desire or expectations of getting something back in return from your partner to justify your actions.

2 Pure happiness.
Just watching this special person smile or laugh out loud fills you with intense happiness, even if you’re suffering or having a hard day.

3 Pain and anger.
You get terribly hurt when your lover upsets you, but their actions never anger you. You may get annoyed or frustrated now and then momentarily, but you just can’t stay mad at them for long because staying mad or giving them the silent treatment hurts you more.

4 Sacrifices.
You make sacrifices for their happiness or wellbeing, even if they may never realize it.

5 The right effort.
You go to great lengths and make an effort to improve the relationship, and play a conscious part in trying to please your partner and make them feel loved and special.

6 You can’t ever hurt them.
When you’re truly in love with someone, you can’t even imagine hurting them, emotionally or physically. Payback is a strong human instinct, but true love makes you completely selfless.

7 You keep your promises.
When you make a promise to them, you stick to your word even if this person will never find out if you broke their promise. When you experience true love, your moral conscience becomes very strong when it comes to this one special person.

8 We.
In a perfect relationship, it’s good to have your own space to grow as individuals. But at the same time, if you truly love your partner, you’d see them as a part of your life. When you think of your future, you can’t help but see them by your side.

9 You share their burden.
And you do that even if you don’t really have to. You can’t bear to see this special someone suffering. If they’re dealing with some issue, you’re always willing to offer them a helping hand even when you have your own difficulties to look into.

10 Pride and jealousy. You beam with pride when they achieve something, even if it’s the same thing you failed at. You may get jealous of a friend who outdid you, but when you love someone, jealousy never enters the picture.

11 Suffering.
You’d be willing to suffer, just to see them happy.

12 Their perspective.
Everything you do, you keep your lover in mind and think from their perspective, be it about planning a surprise party or hanging out with your own friends after work. You don’t ever want to hurt your lover, so you always think from their point of view before making any decision that involves them in any way.

Stages in a relationship

Stage 1 The infatuation stage.
This is the first stage in every relationship. It almost always starts with an intense attraction and an uncontrollable urge to be with each other. Both of you may be intensely sexually attracted to each other, or both of you may just love the cuddles and each other’s company. In this stage, both of you overlook any flaws of each other and only focus on the good sides.

Stage 2 The understanding stage.
In this stage, both of you start getting to know each other better. You have long conversations with your partner that stretches late into the night, and everything about your partner interests and fascinates you. You talk about each other’s families, exes, likes and dislikes and other innocent secrets, and life seems so beautiful and romantic.

Stage 3 The stage of disturbances.
This stage usually forces its way into a happy romance after a few months of blissful courting. Do you remember the first fight or angry disagreement you and your partner had? For the first time ever in the relationship, both of you confront each other over a conflict, even though it’s sorted out quickly.

Stage 4 The opinion maker.
In this stage, both of you create opinions about each other. As the months pass by, both of you know what to expect from each other, and you make an assumption about your partner’s commitment towards the relationship.

When these opinions and expectations about your partner differ now and then in real life, it can either leave you ecstatic or depressed.You don’t expect your man to buy you flowers, but he does. You feel ecstatic. At the same time, you expect him to pick you up from the airport on time. But he arrives an hour later because he forgot all about picking you up. It depresses you.

Stage 5 The moulding stage.
You have your own expectations from an ideal partner. And in this stage, both of you try hard to mould each other to fit your own wants in a perfect partner. This stage is a lot about give and take, and both partners constantly try to subtly convince each other to change their behavior towards the relationship. This is a power struggle, and one that can end the relationship if both partners are domineering.

Stage 6 The happy stage.
If the relationship survives past the moulding stage, both of you may have changed equally for each other and understood each other’s expectations. In this stage, the relationship cruises along perfectly and both of you may be blissfully happy with each other.
Almost always, this is the stage when both of you feel like a perfect match. You may even decide to get engaged or get married. This happy stage is also the stage of attachment when both of you truly feel connected to each other and love each other intensely.

Stage 7 The stage of doubts.
It’s been several years since both of you have been in a relationship with each other. And somewhere along the way, doubts start to creep in. The intensity of the doubts depend on how happy both of you are in the relationship.
You start to think of your past relationships, your exes, and other prospective partners. You tie your happiness in life with your relationship. If you’re unhappy, you blame it on the relationship.

In this stage, you start comparing your relationship with other couples and other relationships. Would your relationship survive this stage? It definitely could, as long as your relationship isn’t monotonous and repetitive.

Stage 8 The sexual exploration or bust stage.
This is the stage when your sex life starts to play a pivotal role. Both your sex drives may change or one of you may get disinterested in sex.
In this stage, you either give up on passionate sex or constantly look for ways to make sex more exciting. If sexual interests start differing here, one of you may end up having an affair. But on the other hand, if you find creative ways to make sex more exciting, your relationship could get better and bring both of you a lot closer.

Stage 9 The stage of complete trust.
This is the happy stage when both of you love each other and trust each other completely. But at the same time, the unbreakable trust in each other could also turn into taking each other for granted.
In this stage, both of you know the direction of the relationship and both of you are completely happy with each other and find it easy to predict each other’s behavior and decisions. But with stability in love comes the urge to take each other for granted.

As pleasant as this final stage of love may be, it’s still no excuse to take each other lightly or stop appreciating each other, because love is an intense emotion that can be rekindled by anyone else at any time if you fail to express your romance to your lover.
If you’re in a relationship for a while, you may have experienced all or most of these relationship stages. And if you’re still in a young love, don’t let the dark side of these relationship stages scare you.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

What is cheating in a relationship or marriage ?

Cheating doesn't mean you have to kiss, meet or have sex with a third party. Once you find yourself deleting texts and e-mails so your partner wont see them, you are already there. Its like a cancer it develops slowly but you will surely feel the pain when its fully grown. The funny thing is most of the times, people try to... find what they already have because they don't just appreciate what they have. Remember the grass may look green on the other side but what if you could just invest time and energy by watering the one that you have. Wouldn't the world be a better place to be today?

Can you imagine how strong your relationship would be if you would not waste your energy, resources and time on things that have no future. Secret, small, hidden relationships are like ticks they suck all the good things out of your marriage or relationship and makes it unstable. it will take you more effort to repair what you would have damaged and the sad thing is sometimes those wounds might never heal.

Now with these so called social networks (Facebook, Skype, Whatsapp, Gtalk, iChat and many other platforms)- so many marriages and relationships are being damaged behind the scenes. Have you ever calculated the time that you invest in these social networks? What if that time can be used to promote those areas that you are struggling? Evaluate what the gain and losses that you have at the end of the day because in every conversation its either you are gaining or you are losing?

Stop sexting a
nd flirting with those people- Yes you know them. Imagine your partner (Husband/wife) reading the messages that you receive, would he/she reply with a free heart on your behalf???? If the answer is NO, then that is an unhealthy chat/ talk that you are having Stop it before its too late. Some mistakes will cost you for a life time yet you could have just avoid them by just ignoring that chick/ dude who now loves you because you have been turned into a better 'asset' by your current partner. Where were they when you were struggling?

Please may you all get rid of all the parasitic relationships that will always be a treat to your relationships' healthy. Fight for what is right and never give up on the one you Love. Yes l said health because you have to know and take care of it just like your body. Love it as you love your body, maintain it as you maintain your skin, teeth, hair and nails. True love means hard-work. Do not apply if you are not prepared to take the risks. Stay out for a relationship if you still want to fool around (but that has its own price) because a relationship calls for great deal of commitment.

Most of the young people think that they will start being faithful when they get married- Word of Advise (You can never teach an old dog new tricks) That is why they are so many broken familes because people think they still have time to adjust. Start practicing being true to yourself when no one is watching because that's who you really are. Besides its by nature that what goes around comes around- Do you think the person that you got out of a secret affair will stop just because you are now with her/him?

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Things to take note on PDA

1. Not in front of kids
"Think of the children! Think of the CHILDREN!!!" You're never gonna win on this one, gropey couples. Holding hands, a peck on the lips—totally fine. But take a look around, and make sure there's not any little ones watching before you start totally sucking face.

2. Not where people are eating
Personally, there's not a whole lot that's going to stop me from chowing down when I'm hungry, but some people get a little grossed out if there's a tongue down a throat in their general vicinity. If you really can't wait until after dinner, limiting your PDAs to footsie under the table is the polite thing to do.

3. Not when you're a couple hanging out with one other friend
They already feel like a third wheel. No need to drive the point home by showing them just how freaky you'd be getting if they weren't there.

4. Don't block a path.
If you're making out and in you're IN SOMEONE'S WAY, you're just making responsible Public Displayers of Affection look bad. Be a part of the solution, guys, and don't grope each other in a doorway.

5. In the club, all bets are off
In a crowded club, with the music pumping and the Henny flowing (or whatever), do whatever you want. Drunkenly firing back "YOU get a room!" at naysayers is also acceptable.

6. In a taxi is perfectly acceptable.
Yeah, yeah your cab driver might feel uncomfortable, but that's PART OF THE GIG. As long as your clothes stay on and you tip well, you're fine.

7. Avoid straddling
That's not PDA, that's a lap dance, and there's a time and a place (Place: a strip club, Time: when money has changed hands). If you're both sitting on a motorcycle, however, straddling is totally cool.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Different forms of PDA

The Good
1. Holding hands -
You can't go wrong with hand holding. It is a classic, old fashioned way of showing your care

2. Quick kiss -
A quick kiss on the cheek, or even lips, is perfectly acceptable. There should be no exchange of spit, however.

3. I love You -
It is perfectly acceptable to say those three words in public, "I Love You". People like hearing it, and it will make your partner feel secuer that you are able to say it in public. Repeated use of the phrase, in a social situation, however, will tend to get a bit awkward. Keep it at a minimum.

4. Hair play -
Hair play can really fit into all categories. If it is done lightly on the nape of the neck, for instance, it should be fine. If you are so into it that you mess up the hair, or make the person receiing the hair play moan, you hve gone too far.

5. Hugging -
Nothing wrong with a nice hug, just keep the hands above the beltline.

The Bad
1. Neck Sucking -
People please. There shall be no sucking of any kind in public.

2. Tongue kissing -
Unless your are licking an ice cream cone, keep your tongue in your mouth in public. One of the most uncomfortable situations possible is having to witness two people tongue wrestle. It is just wrong.

3. Up skirting -
What  I mean by up skirting is this. If your lady is wearing a skirt, your hand should not go passed the hemline. Kepp the plaement of your hands in check. Ladies, the same rule is in effect for you. If your man is wearing shorts, keep your mitts below the bottom of them.

4. Butt touching -
Now, butt touching can be done in a way that is not that offensive. A light tap on the buns is okay. But rubbing or holding of the butt is bad

5. I Want you -
Although hearing a couple say " I Love You " to each other is nice, hearing them say " I Want You", is a whole other issue. It makes others uncomfortable, so if you must say it, whisper it. No one wants to know you are having urges in front of them.

Great rules for a relationship

1 Try your best to love your partner unconditionally even if it seems hard not to be selfish.

2 Think from your partner’s perspective when it comes to matters of the heart.

3 End an argument as soon as possible, even if hugging your partner is the last thing on your mind.

4 Make love regularly, but never allot times for it. Scheduling a time for sex makes it a chore that can start to become a bore.

5 Communicate with each other and grow together in love, but never grow apart with lack of communication as the years pass by.

6 Learn to give space to each other to become better individuals. Even the closest of relationships need some alone time to miss each other now and then.

7 Never take each other for granted. This is the easiest way to fall prey to affairs and arguments.

8 Say a white lie when you need to, especially if it’s a little lie that won’t change your relationship, but will make your partner feel happy.

9 Never shy away from positive criticism. As long as you say it in a constructive manner, it’ll help your partner become a better person.

10 Be the shoulder to lean on, no matter what. Tough times are the most testing phases of a relationship. Stand by your partner, and when the storm ends, love will shine brighter.

11 Never argue in public, but indulge in public display of affection.

12 Date each other even if you’ve been together for years. It keeps the love alive.

13 Look sexy for each other, and that includes a flat tummy. Just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean you should let yourself go and look shabby.

14 Compliment your partner, even if it’s a regular chore or habit. Compliments are the best way to thank a special someone for the effort they’ve taken for you, however small it may be.

15 Celebrate the special days. Birthdays and anniversaries may repeat itself too many times, but it’s these milestones that create memories.

16 Never intentionally try to make your partner feel bad or look bad. It’ll leave a lasting scar that can hurt the relationship.

17 Learn to forgive without holding grudges. As hard as it may be, forgiveness is one of the qualities of true love that matters most in a relationship.

18 Respect your partner whole heartedly.

19 Understand that your partner can have crushes on others too. It’s a difficult thought, but if you admire someone else, so can your partner.

20 Trust your partner and your instincts, even if others say otherwise.

21 Never grumble or badmouth each other even if you’re tempted to, out of anger or frustration.

22 Learn to spend quality time with each other. There’s no better way to fall more in love with each other as the relationship grows.

23 Behave like children now and then. A few pillow fights or cute wrestles can never hurt anyone. But it can help both of you enjoy the relationship.

24 Be spontaneous with your affections. Don’t always wait for special occasions or moments to express your love. Spontaneous surprises are always happier than planned surprises.

25 Whatever works! No relationship is alike. Instead of learning from someone else’s relationship, learn from your own relationship’s successes and failures.

The meaning of different rose colours

– This tried-and-true choice is obvious. Red roses are associated with love, romance, respect and passion. A single red rose may have a more straightforward, simple meaning: “I love you.” Regardless, whether you get one or a whole dozen, know that you’re special!

2. Deep red or burgundy
– These slightly richer and darker hues of the classic red rose are said to represent unconscious beauty.

3. White
– Simple and sophisticated, white roses embody purity, innocence, secrecy, youthfulness and heaven. They’re also often used in weddings, so they can be connected with commitment and marriage.

4. Pink
– Paler than their red counterparts, pink roses are slightly more innocent (or slightly less committal, maybe?) They convey gentler feelings and could mean he appreciates you or wants to thank you. They signify happiness, joy, sweetness, admiration and grace.

5. Yellow – This joyful sunny colour represents exactly what you’d expect: happiness, warmth, caring and delight. They can also be associated with friendship or promises of new beginnings. If you’re buying roses for a close friend instead of a partner on Valentine’s Day, yellow’s the perfect colour.

6. Yellow with a red tip – Could your relationship be progressing to a new stage? Perhaps yellow friendship roses with a rich, love-red tip might mean he wants to take things to the next level.

7. Orange – Rich and bold orange roses represent desire, passion and enthusiasm. Rawr!

8. Peach – Pretty peach roses are sincere and signify appreciation and gratitude.

9. Lavender – Ooh la la, lavender roses are said to represent love at first sight and enchantment – much like a fairy tale!

10. Blue – Are you playing hard to get? Your guy might gift you with blue roses if he finds you unattainable or impossible.

11. Black – Be wary of black roses, which, not surprisingly, are associated with death.

The meaning of different flowers

1. Apple tree blossom - preference

2. Lemon balm - sympathy

3. Basilica - hatred

4. Calla - feminine beauty

5. Damascene rose - shy love

6. Fuchsia- humble love

7. Gardenia - ecstasy

8. Hyacinth - sorrow

9. Lilac - first feeling of love

10. Horehound - virtue

11. Indian cress - patriotism

12. Pansy - you fill my thoughts

13. Buttercup (crowfoot) - you are attractive

14. Rosemary - memory

15.Salvia - respect

16. Snowberry - heavenly thoughts

17. Tulip - declare war

18. Viola (violet) - loyalty

19. Zinnia - thoughts of far away friends

20. Forget-me-not - will write

21. Lily - soon you’ll meet

22. Marsh marigold - hatred

23. Rose - love

24. Dianthus - he/she likes you

25. Phlox & Gladiolus - getting married

26. Tulip - wants to meet you

27. Narcissus - asks a question

28. Hepatica - your love makes me happy

29. Globeflower - forever yours

Monday, 4 March 2013

Zodiac best and worst matches

1. Capricorn
Best matches
a. Cancer - though your opposing sign, is likely to be your most fitting partner. Their goals run congruent with your. They can understand your sacrificial brooding side but their general outlook on life is more supportive, caring, and ultimately, more positive.

b. Taurus - Their loving nature will cheer you up and encourage you.

c. Virgo - They understand your perfectionism to a tee, and will work harmoniously with you to achieve it, especially in a business partnership.

Worst matches
a. Aries - Too impatient and impetuous for your slow-climb approach to life,

b. Gemini - Too whimsical and has no regard for your ideals.

c. Leo - Too outgoing for you to trust.

d. Sagittarius  - Complete opposite you would never see eye to eye on anything.

2. Aquarius
Best matches
a. Gemini - Has a deep love for unpredictable adventure, and can understand the conflict and the heart of your character.
b. Libra - Will love your beauty and sensuality as much as you love theirs. Libra will also understand your desire to be alone.
Worst matches
a. Taurus - Need more stability and less intensity
b. Cancer - More homebound and less prone for your adventurous
c. Virgo - They need too much order for your lifestyle
3. Pisces
Best matches
a. Virgo - That ideal mate is your zodiacal opposite, but it is important to find a Virgo who is attenuated to your more soulful presence, and then you have someone who will pay the bills, and clean the house etc.
b. Cancer - You water sign relatives will understand your deep emotional nature, and support you with his or her strength.
c. Scorpio - Same as above, except they may wander off sooner rather than later.
Worst matches
a. Aries - Too aggressive and harsh for your soft nature
b. Gemini - Too easily distracted and not sympathetic to your needs
c. Leo - Easily led by them, but easily cast aside
4. Aries
Best matches
a. Leo/Sagittarius - Both the fire sign share a lot in common.
b. Libra - An excellent match of opposites, however the marriage of too different planets, Mars and Venus, can sometimes be volatile.
Worst matches
a. Pisces - Too sentimental for you
b. Gemini - Too much bickering
c. Virgo - Too fussy for you
5. Taurus
Best matches
a. Scorpio - Even though it can be intense and stormy, it will endure and bring great satisfaction.

b. Virgo/Capricorn - Very stable and harmonious, though Capricorn is better for plutonic relationships.

Worst matches
a. Aries - Strong wills can bounce off each other and create stress, though it can work with more passive Taureans.

b. Sagittarius - Too free spirited.

c. Gemini - Too restless.

6. Gemini
Best matches
a. Libra - This is your best match. They have just enough in common with you and just enough that’s different.

b. Aquarius - Just capricious enough for you.

c. Leo - At first you may be attracted, but this pairing is ultimately unstable.
Worst matches
a. Taurus - Too slow for you

b. Cancer - Too stable and domestic

c. Pisces - Too emotionally needy you’d hurt them far too often

7. Cancer
Best matches
a. Capricorn - Before they work though, you need a few failed relationships, because they’re just as shy and just as driven. Once you reach your thirties and settle a bit, you’re home free.

b. Scorpio - Their dominant nature fits well with your caring side.

c. Pisces - They understand your depth of feeling like no other.
Worst matches
a. Gemini - They are too flighty for you.

b. Aries - They are too bold and self-centered.

c. Sagittarius - Despite an initial attraction, the wandering, popular Sagittarian may be too much for you to handle, and jealousy and rage are right around the corner.

8. Leo
Best matches
a. Aquarius - They are your zodiacal opposite, but they can be your truest companion and there are surprisingly few conflicts that arise from their opposing natures. You prize your humanity, believe in the same ideals, and admire creative pursuits in different and complementary ways.

b. Aries and Sagittarius  -Your fire-sign relatives, are also natural companions, but on a more casual level.
Worst matches
a. Gemini - They’re mostly mind-oriented, you are all heart.

b. Capricorn - You’ll overpower them, and they’re not likely to forgive your mistakes.

c. Pisces - You’ll hurt them before you even realize it, and they’ll harbor a long resentment.

9. Virgo
Best matches
a. Pisces - Though your natural opposite is also your most ideal partner. Every quality you lack is ample in Pisces, and vice-versa, so no problem in this marriage is unsolvable, and every day is interesting.

b. Taurus - Has a big heart, while he/she waits for your headiness

c. Capricorn - Both of you are perfectionists and can work extremely well together, bringing harmony to your worlds.
Worst matches
a. Aries - Too bossy and will not tolerate your pickiness

b. Libra - Completely unable to take your criticism

c. Aquarius - Both wrong and right, but if it’s wrong you both will be at each other’s throats
10. Libra
 Best matches
a. Aries - Is your ideal mate despite being your zodiacal opposite. It’s a great evening out of the Venus and Mars’ different qualities: aggression and tenderness, leadership and acquiescence, practicality and creativity.

b. Gemini - They are able to appreciate your understanding of their complex character, and you’re artistically harmonious.

c. Aquarius - You both love people and beauty, although they’re a touch more unpredictable.
Worst matches
a. Virgo - Too fussy for you.

b. Scorpio - Too dark for your warm, sunny outlook.

11. Scorpio  
Best matches
a. Cancer - Both of you have deep emotional wells underneath that hard surface, and are both water signs.

b. Virgo - You admire each other’s work ethic, and the negative traits of both cancel each other out.

c. Pisces - Although the attraction is immediate, it doesn’t last long the Piscean will become too possessive for you.
Worst matches
a. Aries - You must avoid the other Mars sign you’ll constantly fight over control of everything.

b. Gemini - You’ll get jealous of their freedom.

c. Sagittarius - Too flighty and untrustworthy this match is liable to bring out your darkest qualities. 
12. Sagittarius
Best matches  
a. Gemini - Since both of you are prone to “sample” partners in life the intensity may initially be there but it may not last.

b. Aries and Leo - Both of these fire signs are compatible with you because of their innate understanding of your passions and interests.
Worst matches
a. Taurus - Too possessive, and who would want to limit your freedom

b. Cancer - Too rooted in family stability for your tastes
c. Virgo - Too critical of you, and your pride will not stand for that.

d. Scorpio - Although physically compatible, there is too much distrust and competition for dominance on both sides

e. Capricorn - Too pessimistic for you