Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Conversation starters

Basic Questions

How was your day ?
Where are you from?
Do you have any big plans this week?
How big is your family / How many siblings do you have?
Tell me about your family.
Do you have any pets?
What classes are you taking in school?
What are you studying ?
Do you enjoy the classes you are taking ?
What do you want to pursue as far as a career?
Have you even been outside of the country?
Where is your favourite plaec to go on vacation?
Where are your parents from ?
what music do you like to listen to?
What are your favourite bands?
What is your favourite movie?
What is your favourite TV Show?
What was the last movie you watched in the cinema?
Where do you work?
What was your best job?
Have you been to any concerts?

Random Questions

Do you have any celebrity crushes?
What is the longest you have gond without sleeping?
Where were you on September 11, 2001?
What is the weirdest thing about you?
What would you be doing if you were not here right now?
Tell me your most embarrassing moment.
Have you ever requested a song on the radio ?
What is the last movie you watched?
What is your dream car?
What is the first thing that you notice about a girl or a guy ?
If you could go any place in the world where would you go?
What were you doing at 3.30pm yesterday?
What do you do to reduce stress?
When was the last time you saw your grandparents?
What would you do with a million dollars ?
Wal-Mart or Target?
Are there any store you refuse to shop in?
What ae some of your long term life goals ?
What are some of the rules your parents had for you as a child?

Personal Questions

When was the last time you held hands with someone?
How many people have you kissed?
What do you look for in a guy or girl?
Tell me about your first crush.
When was the last time you cried?
Tell me about your worst break up ever.
Tell me your first kiss story.
What was the mosst awkward date you have ever been to?
What is your number one turn off in a guy or a girl ?
Tell me about your perfect guy or girl.

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