Thursday, 28 February 2013

Why LDR can be totally rock ?

1 You always have something to look forward to.

2. You can schedule in lots of  'me' time.

3. You can avoid ' girlfriends feel neglected ' syndrome by spending more time with the ladies.

4. Hot phone sex.

5. You do not have to be constantly worrying about shaving/waxing/looking perfect down south.

6. There is much lesser things to fight about.

7. You have time to plan fun dates, and get super pumped for them.

8. You have plenty of time to shop for, and put together, cute outfits to wear on your   spaced-out dates.

9. You know you are going to get laid when your dude ( or you ) comes home.
10. Absense makes the heart (or the private parts) grow fonder.

11. You will never feel suffocated by your loved one.

12. You can focus on your work.

13. You can flirt without him cramping your style.

14. You will have no other choice but to make the time you do spend together fun and drama-free.

15. You will have more time to spend on ur friends and family.

16. You can write sweet long-distance love songs.

17. You can have passionate, make-out filled goodbye sessions.

18. You can save money by not going out to dinner and movies all the time.

19. You can write romantic love letters to each other.

20. You will have fewer, but better, orgasm.

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