Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Special date asking ideas

1. Make a puzzle
  • Directions: write a message asking her/him to go to the dance/date on a poster or piece of paper. Cut the paper into pieces so that each piece fits together like a puzzle.
2. Flour and Flower
  • Directions: deliver a large bag of baking flour to the doorstep of the guy/girl you would like to ask on a date, with a note that reads, “search this flour to find the name of the guy/girl who would love to go to ______dance/date with you” (or something similar) ring the bell and hide. Wait 15 or 20 minutes, giving him/her plenty of time to dig through the flour. Ring the bell again—this time stand at the door with a vase of flowers and a note that reads, “sorry--wrong flower! Will you go to _________dance/date with me?”

3. Two Items
  • Directions: purchase to similar items, one very small, and one very large (for example a very small “fun size” candy bar and a very large “king size” chocolate bar). Leave both on the individuals’ doorstep, with a note that reads, “Will you go to the dance with me? If yes, bring me the ____(small item) if no bring me the ____(large Item)
4. print out a life size pic. of yourself, piece together the pages on a foam board backing. Have it say "will you go out with me on friday" across his chest in a conversation bubble with your number for them to reply. doorbell ditch your date to leave the pic. (have it be kneeling for less ink and added effect.)

5. make a funny movie/ music video asking them out

6. Silly string the question into their lawn or by their apartment door then doorbell ditch... dont forget your name

7. Make an anonymous facebook page discussing the pros and cons of you two going out, send it to all their friends and yours. Call her up and ask her if she wants too (after she has seen the page)

8. Fill their room with balloons and have the question in one of the balloons

9. Do a mock proposal with bended knee and rose to compliment. A bow tie would look great too

10. Put the question in cookies. Cut the letters out of cookies and line the question up on a cookie sheet, then deliver it. Pizza works too

11. Send them something that has to do with the theme of the date, have them reply with something that has to do with their favorite movie or food -- incorporate it into the date

12. Ask with chalk on the driveway... leave a boulder with the word "no" and a little rock with "yes". Tell her/him to bring their answer to you at school. They can't say no!

13. Empty a 2 liter bottle of pop, fill half way with water and freeze. Place note asking for date in a ziplock baggie. Fill the rest of the way with water and freeze. Deliver frozen bottle. Then, they have to wait for it to unfreeze before they can figure out who is asking them.

14. Put your name in a block of ice. Deliver it to her/his door with a card that reads something like this: "I would 'melt'..."

15. Kiss the ground and shower with roses

16. Directions:Put a trail of Hershey's Kisses from the door to the tub in the bathroom, and then hang some roses from the shower head, and tape the note to the wall "Now that I've kissed the ground you walk on and showered you with roses, will you go out with me?"

17. Dump a bucket of change or pennies ( if your broke) and leave a note saying "It only makes cents to......"

18. Write a note that says "You need to translate the following message"
then write "will you go on a date with me on___ at___" in a different language 

then the person has to find someone to translate before he-she knows about the date.

19.Give them butter and a bag of unpopped popcorn and leave a note saying "now that I've got you butterd up I might as well pop the question, will you go to... with me." Then leave your name.

20. Buy a thing of dibs ice cream balls and put your name somewhere inside of them. then on the lid tape a note saying "(name of person) I call dibs on you for (dance/ date)"

21. Draw outlines of people on his/her driveway with chalk and leave a note that says (name of person) all these people will die of happiness if you will go to (name of dance/date) with me. Make sure to leave your name.

22. Buy a dozen roses or her favorite flowers (or as many as it takes to spell your name and dance). Then take the letters you printed off from word processor and tie one letter to a flower. The next day give one or two flowers to each of her teachers (scrambling the letters up). In her locker that morning put a note that tells her to ask each teacher for a gift from her "lover" (or whatever name you want to use). The note must also explain what she has to do in order to figure out who is asking what. After this hunt she wont want to say no!!!!
23. Write the question on a piece of paper and cut it into a puzzle. Get a bunch of balloons, and put each piece in a seperate balloon. Fill them with helium, and tie them to his/her door.

24. Cut out a whole bunch of paper bananas.(or you could use real ones). place them all over his/her car then have a monkey with a note that says "I would go bananas if you would..."

25. (this one has to be pre-arranged)
Make sure the person you want to ask isn't home then go over to their house and put glow in the dark stars on their ceiling above their bed asking them out or to the dance :) Bonus points if you say something along the lines of "I made a wish upon a star..." or "I can't dream of anything better…"

26. Get a big poster of a really nice car and leave it on their doorstep with a note that says: YOU COULD WIN THIS CAR IF YOU ANSWER THIS QUESTION CORRECTLY! WILL YOU GO TO ---- WITH ME? then make a trail of arrows pointing to a little toy car with your name taped on it.

27. Plan a scavenger hunt for her around town, leading her to places that are special to you or have meaning. At each location have a challenge for her to finish in order to go to the next location. At the end, be waiting with flowers :]

28. Get an egg carton, fill it with plastic easter eggs (with little chocolate eggs inside), then write "I'd be egg-cited if you went to... with me!" Put your name (in separate letters) underneath the eggs.

29. Get some rubber duckies from the dollar store and write the letters of you name on the bottom of them. Fill their bathtub up with water and put the duckies in it with a poster saying... "I'd sure be a lucky duck if you went to the _____ with me". They'd have to unscramble the duckies to find out who asked them.

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